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Water Damage SOS

Having a beautiful interior is not enough; it requires effort to nurture every corner and crevice, so that it remains in its best condition for years to come. Unfortunately in India, harsh weather elements like rainwater can cause terrible damage to buildings over a period of time. Over the years, wear and tear spills over from the structure and shows up as damage to the interiors. In todays blog I’m going to discuss how we can prevent water damage and keep a check on the health of a building structure – Unfortunately even in 2017, so many of us are unaware of its fundamental importance in protecting our buildings and interiors from the relentless effects of water damage. Keeping water out from where it doesn’t belong is one of the best ways to ensure the longevity of your home. Damp patches on the ceiling are a clear tell tale sign that you may be dealing with a severe leak in the roof – which in turn can become a serious safety issue. Additionally water can leak into spaces near electrical wiring or electrical devices, creating a potentially severe fire hazard. Additionally walls, basement, bathrooms, kitchen and the foundation are all areas that can have a problem with leakage of water and cause damage to the house. Blocked drains and pipes can lead to leakage and an overflow of water. Broken water pipes in the kitchen and bathrooms can result in water seepage and lead to damage. Cracks in the plaster on your walls can cause moisture and water to seep in and lead to damp spots, growth of mould and eventually harm your interiors. Broken tiles in the bathroom can also cause water to collect and result in further damage. Apart from the structural damage, increase in moisture levels inside buildings also raise issues like allergies and respiratory problem What can you do? The answer is simple! Waterproof! And don’t let the cost of it be a deterrent, waterproofing is far from an expensive indulgence – it’s an essential investment for a healthy structure with a long life. Prevention is so much better than cure and it protects your structure from fast deterioration. Water damages a building first cosmetically then structurally. It is important to realize that by the time a stain shows up on the interior of your building most likely irreversible damage has been caused to the exterior. Recently I attended the ‘Building a Healthy Society’ awareness event, hosted by Dr Fixit, where a team of expert panelists discussed how to build a healthy society and fight the 3 major concerns leakage, cracks and dampness. I strongly agree with the panelists that decorating your home is not enough; you must protect its foundation and keep it disease free. Believe me when I say regular checkups from waterproofing experts are imperative to the health of your home and family.

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